
CloudLibrary is a large collection of eBooks and eAudiobooks for adults, teens, and children. All titles are downloadable to your eReader, smartphone, or tablet and can also be read directly from your computer using the CloudLibrary desktop app.
cloudLibrary & OverDrive FAQS
Why the Change?
Simcoe County Digital Library Service (previously known as the Simcoe County Library Cooperative) made a group decision to switch from OverDrive to cloudLibrary. cloudLibrary’s unique cloudLink feature allows us to join forces with other public libraries across Ontario & therefore offer a much larger collection (more titles, more copies) to our communities. NTPL also made the independent decision to continue with OverDrive by joining the Ontario Library Service’s eBook Consortium as a means to increase our digital offerings, reduce wait times, and provide our patrons with the best possible service & selection.
Simcoe County Libraries OverDrive Collection (to be discontinued) ~33,000 unique titles
OLS OverDrive Collection (coming soon!) ~96,000 unique titles
cloudLibrary Collection (coming soon!) ~165,000 unique titles
March 20th | Last day to place holds through Simcoe County Libraries Overdrive collection |
April 1st | cloudLibrary available for download & login (start reading/listening!) |
April 2nd | Last day to borrow from Simcoe County Libraries Overdrive collection |
April 3rd |
Simcoe County Libraries OverDrive collection will be shut down. New OLS OverDrive collection (“The Dowload Centre”) will be live. Libby users will be prompted to re-enter their library & library card |
April 2nd – April 26th |
Transfer of content from Simcoe County Libraries Overdrive collection to cloudLibrary. Users will be able to access the wider cloudLink collection immediately, but the Overdrive and Libby collections cannot exist in two places at once, so it will take some time for it to migrate over. |
What will Happen to My Current OverDrive/Libby Account After the Shutdown?
Since NTPL will be transitioning to the Ontario Library Service’s (OLS) OverDrive Collection, our patrons won’t experience a huge disruption but there are a few things you need to know:
- On April 3rd, 2023, OverDrive/Libby users will be prompted to re-enter their library & card info
- Current checkouts, holds, wish lists and star ratings will transfer (yay!)
- Borrowing history, recommendations, and tags will not transfer
Is There a Way to Preserve my Simcoe County Libraries OverDrive Borrowing History?
Yes! Follow the directions below to export your borrowing history:
In the Libby App:
- Tap on Timeline > Actions > Export Timeline > Choose Format
- A browser window will open
- Email the history to yourself using the share button
In a Browser (OverDrive):
- Click on Loans > Click on History > Follow the on-screen instructions
Reading history will be deleted on April 2, 2023.
What Devices are Compatible with cloudLibrary?
You can download the cloudLibrary app onto a wide range of Apple, Apple iOS, Android, Windows, Fire, Nook and Chrome devices. For more information and to download the app that’s right for you, please visit
Kindle: cloudLibrary is currently not compatible with Kindle Paperwhites or Kindle apps.
Kobo: Full integration is not available for Kobo eReader products but cloudLibrary books can still be transferred to all Kobo eReaders (including those with built-in OverDrive compatibility) using desktop software (basically you just have to download titles to a computer first, then transfer it to your Kobo device.
How Do I Download cloudLibrary?
Download the app from your app store or Google Play. It is available for IOS, Android and as a web browser. Search for Simcoe County Digital Library Service (instead of your individual library or branch).
How Many Items Can I Have Checked Out at One Time?
10 items.
How Many Items Can I Have on Hold at One Time?
10 items.
How Long is the Lending Period?
14 days for ebooks & audiobooks. 21 days for magazines.
After the loan period is up, your content will automatically expire (no overdues or fines!).
You may return items manually if you finish them early.
Can I Renew Items?
Yes, as long as there are no holds on the title.
Why Do Some Titles Seemingly Disappear/Re-appear in CloudLibrary?
Simcoe County Digital Library Service has joined “cloudLink ON,” a group of public libraries from across Ontario that share their ebook & audiobook collections with each other. This allows patrons with a larger selection of titles and more ‘available now’ copies! The drawback is that sometimes titles seem to ‘disappear’ from the collection; this is because they belong to another library and have been borrowed. Once returned, these titles will reappear and be available to borrow again. All titles owned by Simcoe County Digital Library Service will remain visible, borrowable, and holdable on cloudLibrary regardless of their availability status.
Why am I unable to put holds on some materials?
As part of the agreement between cloudLibrary & cloudLink participating libraries, patrons are unable to place holds on cloudLink materials. Conversely, patrons from other cloudLink libraries are unable to place holds on Simcoe County Digital Library Service titles.
I need more help. Where can I go?
Here are some ways we can get you the help you need:
- cloudLibrary offers a selection of how-to videos which you can find here.
- Contact us!