Friends of NTPL

Helping Your Community


Join the Friends of the Library now for the opportunity to contribute to the community through your efforts to advocate and fundraise to enhance library services!


  • People who value the Library’s role in serving the learning, literacy, research, recreation, and communication needs of New Tecumseth’s rich and diverse communities.
  • People who enjoy volunteering to raise funds to support and enhance Library collections and services.
  • People who want to be advocates for the Library in their neighbourhoods and Town.

What do the Friends of the New Tecumseth Public Library do?

  • Assist and support the goals of the Library by promoting knowledge of, and interest in, Library functions and resources.
  • Establish closer ties between the Library and its community by acting as an additional avenue for community members to connect with Library staff.
  • Build partnerships so that others will act for and with the Library by communicating a vision for the Library that matches to the agenda and priorities of stakeholders.
  • Plan, organize and assist in various fundraising projects (i.e., Book Sales, Annual Giving Campaign, Silent Auctions, Grant Research, etc.) under the direction of a Branch Manager or designated supervisor.
  • Attend meetings monthly for strategic planning and administration.

Friends Group Composition

The Friends of the Library will be composed of Executives, who will govern the Friends of the Library, and non-executive members. Ideally, the Chair, Vice Chair & Treasurer roles will be filled by members from various communities within New Tecumseth.

Each library Branch Manager may act as the liaison for Friends members within the community and, once formed, the Friends may split into special sub-committees for specific projects with the permission of the Executive group.



Vice Chair


Library Board Member (can also be Vice Chair or Treasurer but not Chair) – Cassie Hall

CEO – Jessica Mole


All Other Individual/Family/Business Friends Members

Alliston Library Liaison – Jessica Mole, CEO/Branch Manager

Beeton Library Liaison – Jocelyn Knoester, Branch Manager

Tottenham Library Liaison – Lory Whittemore, Branch Manager

Friends Responsibilities

The Friends of the Library must abide by all relevant NTPL policies.

The Friends of the Library must have a minimum of four (4) active members within their group. This condition must be met within 6 months after the formation of a Friends group.

The Friends of the Library are responsible for the following:

  • All individual members must attend meetings at least twice a year.
  • Forward all meeting notices, agendas and minutes to appropriate Library Liaison.
  • Send an annual report with a list of all members, activities participated in / organized, and a financial statement to the New Tecumseth Library Board shortly after each year end, and no later than the February Board meeting.
  • Set goals, priorities and timelines for the coming year based on the resources of the group and library needs and opportunities in tandem with the Community Groups.
  • The Library Board member will report on Friends activities at Board meetings.

Action Plans created between the Friends Executives and Community Groups will be included in the schedule of events or projects submitted at the end of the year, provide focus to volunteers, and provide a sense of accomplishment as goals are achieved.

Friends should consult with the Library Branch Manager/CEO to develop the annual plan. The plan for the coming year should be shared with the CEO by September for any necessary budget allocations.

Friends Meetings

The Friends of the Library meets every month in rotating branches. The schedule for our upcoming meetingshas not yet been released. Please check back soon for updates.


    Funds raised by the Friends will be turned over to the CEO for deposit into the Library bank account after each fundraising event. Friends will keep a summary of funds raised along with any expense outflows associated with the fundraising activity. The summary will be included with the funds to be deposited.

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    How Can I Become a Friend?

    Just fill out the membership application below!

    Or download the form here.

    Once completed, you may either email it to our CEO, Jessica Mole [email protected], drop it off at your nearest branch, or mail it (and/or cheque donations)  to:

    Friends of the New Tecumseth Public Library
    c/o New Tecumseth Public Library
    17 Victoria Street East P.O. Box 399
    Alliston, ON L95 1V6
    Registered Charitable No. 130257736 RR0001

    For more information, call us at 705-435-0250 or send an email to the CEO, Jessica Mole, at [email protected].